

東京マラソン2024にむけて~チャリティランナーたちの思い No.2~





  • ※一定額以上の寄付を対象の寄付先団体に行い、東京マラソンに出走することで、チャリティ活動の素晴らしさを発信するランナー


Tokyo Marathon 2024 will be held on March 3, 2024. 236 charity runners of Plan International will run under the banner “Run for girls! Support girls’ access to education and say ‘NO!’ to forced early marriage” . We would like to share just a few of the many messages we have received from runners around the world.

チャリティランナーの声~Messages From Our Runners~

写真:Curt Hansmanさん(アメリカ)

Curt Hansmanさん(アメリカ)
人生の大半をランニングに費やしてきた73歳の女性として、私は、自信と力をつけることができるランニングをすべての女の子と女性たちにお勧めします。年齢を重ねるにつれてスピードは落ちていきますが、走る喜びは変わりません。ランニングは多くの素晴らしい女性たちを解放し、力を与えてきました。 ランニングは、特別な道具はほぼ要らず、誰でも参加できて、他の人と競い合うのと同じように自分自身と闘います。自己ベストを目指すことは表彰台に上るのと同じくらいの価値があります。ランニングは人生の他の努力にも応用できる訓練です。自分自身について学び、自分の限界に挑戦し、夢に向かって前進するのです。誰かが書いているように「自分の限界を超えてはじめて、己の限界を知るのです」。

Curt Hansman (USA)
As a 73 year old woman privileged to have run for most of my life, I want to encourage all girls and women to run as a way of building confidence and strength. As we age, we slow down, but the joy remains. Running has freed and empowered so many amazing women. It requires very little special equipment, it’s open to anyone, in running we compete against ourselves as much as we compete against others.
We work for personal bests, as much as a place on the podium. Running is a discipline that can be applied to other endeavors in life. It teaches about ourselves, it challenges us to test our limits and to move toward our dreams.
As someone wrote: we will never know our limits until we push ourselves past them.

写真:Kiela Jimenezさん (アメリカ)

Kiela Jimenezさん(アメリカ)
プランのRun for Girlに参加するためにランニングシューズの紐を結ぶとき、私は70年代にタイムスリップします。そこでは、女の子にとって、教育はお飾りのようなもの、スポーツは夢物語として語られていました。走ることと数学が大好きな女の子だった私は、仲間に溶け込めない変わり者でした。貧困率の高い地域で教育者として働くようになってからは、教育が物事を変える力を目の当たりにしてきました。この困難な地域でもレジリエンス(回復力)と機会が出会うと、生徒一人ひとりの可能性が希望の光となるのです。

Kiela Jimenez (USA)
As I tie my shoes for the Plan International Run for Girls, I’m transported back to the 70s, when expectations for girls were constricting corsets, limiting dreams. Education was an accessory, and sports were dismissed as fantasy for girls.
As a girl who loved running and math, I was an oddity and did not fit in with my peers.
As an educator in high-poverty communities, I’ve seen the transformative power of education. In this challenging terrain, resilience meets opportunity, and every student’s potential becomes a beacon of hope. I run for courageous girls facing societal constraints and limited resources.
On the pavement, I carry echoes of bygone expectations, sprinting towards a finish line where girls break free from outdated norms. It’s a run for a future where every girl can pursue aspirations without barriers. Running for Plan International at the Tokyo Marathon is a dual narrative—70s child and educator. Each stride carves a path toward a brighter future, weaving past expectations and present struggles into a tapestry of empowerment. I run to break the cycle, for my younger self and for girls defying odds, their potential shining brightly with each step toward the finish line.

写真:Sandro Carvalho Bernardesさん (ブラジル)

Sandro Carvalho Bernardesさん(ブラジル)

Sandro Carvalho Bernardes (BRAZIL)
We all have losses in life, learning to survive them is what sets us apart. While organizing my BIB number at the regatta, I watch a film from my childhood:
I remember my father running alongside me while I was learning to ride a bike… a few years pass and I see my father on the edge of the athletics track, following my school competitions, then it’s the two of us adults jogging in the city parks…
There would be no other place for me to be than running the Tokyo Marathon, to complete my story of dedication to sports and above all, to the love of running.
It is so contagious that it goes back to my father, who is now deceased, and to my wife, who learned to love the sport and shared this emotion with me, in a way that was as devout or even more devout than I was. And now to the legacy we want to leave for our children.
Waiting, training, aiming, fighting, and receiving the Six Majors medal in Japan in March will be the crowning achievement of this project, in addition to ours, of the entire our family. With great pride, we are honored that in addition to our personal project, we are also engaged in the project of bringing knowledge to girls, so that they can also build their legacy of love for sports and their dreams.

写真:Victoria Repiceさん(アメリカ)

Victoria Repiceさん(アメリカ)

Victoria Repice (USA)
As I lace up my running shoes each morning, the streets of Tokyo, still a distant dream, beckon me. Training for the Tokyo Marathon is more than preparing for another race; it’s a journey towards a cause that resonates deeply within me – supporting Run4Girls. Each training run, each bead of sweat, brings me closer to standing up for girls in developing countries.
With every stride, I envision the change I’m running towards: a world where education is accessible, and forced early marriages are a thing of the past. This marathon isn’t just a physical challenge; it’s a pledge to empower young girls to write their own futures.
As the marathon day approaches, my anticipation grows. Not just for the race, but for the impact this run will have. This is not just my journey, but a shared one with countless girls whose lives we’re running to transform.

写真:Raul Rodriguez Rosaさん(スペイン)

Raul Rodriguez Rosaさん(スペイン)

Raul Rodriguez Rosa (SPAIN)
For my last Major I decided to do something special and what better way than to run it with Plan International Japan for a good cause. My wife has a sponsored child in India, so we are aware of the situation that many girls in India suffer, forced to marry when they are young and not having the possibility of studying and building a future as independent people. So, choosing Plan was easy for us. We have yet to travel to India to learn first-hand about the problems of these girls and help as much as we can.
I feel very honored to have been chosen to run the Tokyo marathon with them and I hope to live up to the challenge. It will be my last Major and I am sure that with the help of Plan it will be an experience that I will never forget.

写真:Sebastian Hoelzelさん(ドイツ)

Sebastian Hoelzelさん(ドイツ)
私は権利と機会の平等を心から信じています。それが十分に保証される国に住む私は、3児の父として、子どもたちがジェンダー(その他の理由もありますが)によって不利な立場に立たされることのない環境をつくるため、他の人々を助け、支援することが義務であると感じています。私は幸い世界中の多くの国を訪れることができました。平等に関して順調な進歩を遂げている国もありますが、まだ何回ものマラソンが必要なほど遅れをとっている国もあります。ランニングのように、大切なのは一歩一歩前進することです。またランナーだけではなく、支援者も重要です。私たち夫婦は、長年にわたりプランを通じて子どもたちを支援しています。東京マラソン2024でプランのような信頼と経験のある団体とチームを組むことをとても光栄に思います。東京は私にとって、ベルリン、ニューヨーク、シカゴに続く4つ目の星になります。チームRun 4 Girlsのメンバーであることは、準備やレース当日に向けての大きな励みになります。

Sebastian Hoelzel (GERMANY)
I am a true believer in equal rights and opportunities. Living in a country where these rights and opportunities are well advanced, I feel, that it is my duty – as a father of three – to help and support others in establishing an environment, where children are not facing any disadvantages due to their gender (and other reasons…). I was lucky to visit many countries all around the world. Some countries are making good progress when it comes to equality.
But others are still many marathons away. Like in running, it is every step that counts. And it is not only about the runners. Equally important are the supporters. My wife and I are supporting children through PLAN since many years. Teaming up with a trustworthy and experiences organization like PLAN for the 2024 Tokyo Marathon, is a great honor. Tokyo will be my fourth star after Berlin, New York, and Chicago. Being a member of team Run 4 Girls is a great encouragement during preparation and race day.

写真:Sheena Shiさん(アメリカ)

Sheena Shiさん(アメリカ)

Sheena Shi (USA)
I was shocked by the number, 41,000 cases per day, and felt so sad for the victims. The girls should be in school, on the playground, in the running field, but not in forced marriage. The victims lost their freedom to make critical decisions about their own life. I would like to join you in fighting the early forced marriage. I believe education can save the girls.

写真:John Titmusさん(イギリス)

John Titmusさん(イギリス)

John Titmus (UK)
I hope to embrace the opportunity to work with Plan International Japan in 2024 and make an impact by supporting and running the Tokyo Marathon 2024. I also have recently gone through my own life-changing experience and have had the luck and determination to recover from this with support. Still, many people have life-impacting issues that they cannot change or cope with, which is why I am working with Plan International Japan to make a difference.

写真:Hannah Sayさん(アメリカ)

Hannah Sayさん(アメリカ)

Hannah Say (USA)
I’m excited to run for girls because I want every girl in the world to have the basic human right of education and a chance to just be a kid – not forced into early marriages. I know from my own life the immense privilege and opportunity I have from access to education and the freedom to make my own partner choices. Running for girls inspires me to give those same chances to everyone.

  • ※アボット・ワールドマラソンメジャーズ(Abbott WMM):東京、ボストン、ロンドン、ベルリン、シカゴ、ニューヨークで開催される世界で最も高名で大規模な6つの大会。すべてを完走したランナーにはSix Star Finishersとして6つの星を冠したメダルが授与される。
  • ・次回「東京マラソン2024にむけて~チャリティランナーたちの思い No.3~」を、2月8日に掲載予定です
  • ※プラン・インターナショナルは東京マラソン2024チャリティの寄付先団体です。

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