

東京マラソン2024にむけて~チャリティランナーたちの思い No.3~





  • ※一定額以上の寄付を対象の寄付先団体に行い、東京マラソンに出走することで、チャリティ活動の素晴らしさを発信するランナー


Tokyo Marathon 2024 will be held on March 3, 2024. 236 charity runners of Plan International will run under the banner “Run for girls! Support girls’ access to education and say ‘NO!’ to forced early marriage”. We would like to share just a few of the many messages we have received from runners around the world.

チャリティランナーの声~Messages From Our Runners~

写真:Cintia Edler Bitencourtさん(ブラジル)

Cintia Edler Bitencourtさん(ブラジル)
漂流者が最後の板にしがみつくかのように、私はマラソンをやり遂げるつもりです。マラソンが私をどん底の状態から救ってくれる。そして、ここから本当にこのマラソンを完走したいという思いが高まったのです。42kmを走り切る自信がついてきた私は、まだその距離を走り切ったことがないにも関わらず、大胆な目標を立てました。 ポルト・アレグレ完走後、ボストンに続き… そしてはやる気持ちはついにアボット・シックス・メジャー制覇計画にたどり着きます。

メダルやゴールの写真、それは、次の世代を生きるあなたたちのために、私たちが未来に残す遺産です! あなたは、決してあきらめず、常に勝利を求め、知識は受け取るものであり奪われることはないと信じる人たちが確かに残した遺産を目にするでしょう! 時間に流されず、私の精神力と学びの成果には、誰も文句のつけようがない!私が走るときはまさにこのようにありたいと思っています。知は力なり!

  • (*Cintiaさんは前回ご紹介した夫のSandroさんと一緒に走ります。)

Cintia Edler Bitencourt (Brazil)
There I was, at the beginning of 2018, with three children, married, with an established professional career, happy, fulfilled… what could I want more from this life?

A husband who, in the middle of Carnival, looks at me and says: let’s run a marathon! In runner’s jargon, “let’s” sign up and go train for those 42km and a few meters! At the time, little did I know what this could mean or impact on my life…

But life doesn’t always bring you just a few miles in solitude to resolve it… In that year, my father has had a heart attack, and the end came. I woke up and thought I don’t know where to go and what to do, I’m just certain that I’m going to run until I can’t take it anymore. As long as I have a minimum of lungs, legs and heart I will be taking one step in front of the other, because only then will I be able to continue.

I will hold on to this marathon like a castaway holds on to the last plank at sea. Marathon will save me and make me forget, or at least postpone, this abyss that collapsed inside me. And here really begins my desire to finish this marathon. Little by little I began to acquire the necessary confidence to believe that I would be able to do the 42 km with dignity and I was even secretly making bold plans and goals for someone who had never actually tackled such a distance. After finishing Porto Alegre and Boston, when I saw this restlessness of mine, it brought me to the Abott Six Majors project.

Who would have thought that in the last one, in Japan, life would give me the grateful opportunity to not only run, but to be able to transform the lives of girls, honored the legacy of my late father, just like him was in mine. Because unlike what happened in the 70s, in the last century, my family’s dream was for their first-born daughter to go to university, that she would only get married if she wanted to and only have children when she had a solid profession. And here I am, graduated in law, judge, married, with three children, going to conquer the Majors, on the other side of the world.

The girl born in the interior of Brazil, in a tiny city, achieved all these achievements because she had the opportunity to go to school, to have been born, as it says in our national anthem, in splendid cradle of love, of not running away from the fight.

So, remember that no matter what your dream is, in sport and in life: Your race is not for others, just like your dreams, you don’t dream for anyone, much less will anyone do for you what needs to be done effectively for you to achieve something truly epic in your life. These are processes that strengthen us in every way, I don’t mention the victory restricted to a race or a result, but rather the great process of teachings for a lifetime, where we discover ourselves powerful, endowed with unimaginable strength and absolutely invincible to time.

It is the legacy we will leave for the future, for the generations who will live many years after us, who will be able to look at a medal, a photo of the finish line, and see beyond! You will be able to see the solidity of a heritage: of those who never give up, of those who are always looking for victory, of those who believe that knowledge is something you receive and is impossible to take away! When I run, I want to be exactly like this: invincible to time, untouchable in the power of my mind and the fruit of all my learning! Knowledge gives you power!

写真:Fiona Perrieさん(スコットランド)

Fiona Perrieさん(スコットランド)

Fiona Perrie (UK)
Every child deserves a full and enriching childhood and the chance to become the adult they could be. Being able to run for and support Plan International is a great honor. I live in Scotland and am fortunate to have seen & experienced some of the progress made for girl’s and women’s rights. We’ve come a long way – when I was born women were not allowed to run a marathon in the Olympics. The first year they could be was 1984.
However, I am also very aware girls & women in other countries have not been as fortunate. The fact that girls and women are targeted due to their gender and viewed as less than and something to be controlled is unacceptable. I want to help Plan International to have women’s rights be seen as human rights.
I have been running since 2016 as part of an almost 9 stone weight loss journey and completed numerous races including five marathons during that time.
Tokyo will be my third world major marathon and my first since I almost died from sepsis in Dec 2022. I’m very excited to join Plan International in crossing the finish line and their overall journey.

写真:Jaspreet Kaur Kandolaさん(カナダ)

Jaspreet Kaur Kandolaさん(カナダ)

Jaspreet Kaur Kandola (CANADA)
I am running the Tokyo Marathon to challenge myself mentally, physically and for the love of running! As a teacher and mom of 3, I want to show children that if you put your heart into it, anything is possible! I hope to inspire girls to set goals to turn their dreams into reality and show the world how strong we are. I’m running for my daughter and girls all across the world to believe in themselves because self-empowerment helps us conquer challenges and succeed.
Life can be an uphill battle filled with obstacles and struggles, but if we stay inspired, motivated and believe in our potential, we’ll keep rising forward. Life is also like a marathon, we keep going even when the going gets tough. With the support of my family and running community, my running journey has been a memorable experience and I have trained hard in order to become the best runner I can be. I’m excited to give it my best and cross the finish line in Tokyo!

写真:Ian Howardさん(イギリス)

Ian Howardさん(イギリス)
私は長年にわたり数多くのマラソンやレースを走り、英国を拠点とする子どもたちのチャリティで多額のファンドレイジングを成功させてきました。今回Run for Girls!のもとで走って女の子を支援することにとてもワクワクしています。

Ian Howard (UK)
I have run numerous marathons and other races over the years and have successfully fundraised large sums of money for UK based children’s charities. I am very excited to run for and promote the Run for Girls! Campaign.
In my spare time I established and continue to volunteer as the Event Director at our local junior parkrun. Parkrun is a free, community event where you can walk, jog or run. I had participated in the adults parkrun for many years, but my local area didn’t have a junior parkrun, so I set up a local junior parkrun. We now have a free event every week for hundreds of young people aged 4 – 14 to take part in. I love encouraging and promoting all the children to enjoy life and to be active.
The Tokyo marathon is the final marathon I need to be able to complete my 6-star World majors and I would be honored to do this whilst being able to continue my support for Plan International.

写真:Mathias Grossさん(ドイツ)

Mathias Grossさん(ドイツ)
私はチャリティとそこで実施されている素晴らしいプロジェクトの力を強く信じています。この数年にわたり、私はさまざまなチャリティ団体を支援してきました(例えば、もと同級生が始めたタンザニアの学校建設 、そこで私の誕生日に募金活動を行いました)。チャリティは、社会的に不利な立場にある人々や子どもたち、ケガや障害に苦しむ人たちのために、多くのことを達成することができます。私はRun for Girlsのジェンダー間の権利と機会の平等という目標を全面的に支持し、東京マラソンではこの重要なトピックについてもっと意識を高めたいと思います。私たちは一緒に、女の子たちのために変化を起こすことができるのです。

Mathias Gross (GERMANY)
I am Mathias from Munich in Germany. Running is one of my passions and I am very much looking forward to participating in the Tokyo Marathon 2024. It will be great to return to a place where I have been 20 years ago and to a culture and spirit that I much liked and admired.
I strongly believe in the power of charities and the brilliant projects that they are running. Over the past years I have supported different charity organizations (e.g. building a school in Tanzania initiated by a former classmate https://www.twende-shuleni.org/english/ where I was fundraising during my birthday). With charities you can achieve so much for people and kids that are not privileged or those that suffer injuries or disabilities. I fully endorse Run4Girls objectives of equal rights and chances between genders and will be keen to raise more awareness on this important topic during the Tokyo Marathon. Together we can make a difference for the girls.

写真:Yifan Liuさん(中国)

Yifan Liuさん(中国)

Yifan Liu (CHINA)
Running is one of the few sports that do not separate woman from man. We stand at the same starting point, and charge toward the same finishing line. In real life, girls, in many circumstances, are told to do certain things in certain ways. Girls, do not cave in. Listen to what you aspire to and finish strong. I run for your courage, persistence, and success.

写真:Myra Lolkemaさん(アメリカ)

Myra Lolkemaさん(アメリカ)

Myra Lolkema (USA)
I have been a girls track coach in the south suburbs of Chicago for the past two years. Through coaching and being an avid runner, we have helped foster a sense of empowerment, taught invaluable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and self-worth to our student athletes. For young girls, running provides a platform to embrace their bodies, irrespective of societal standards, celebrating strength and health over superficial ideals. Running encourages young girls by redefining beauty standards, instilling confidence and a positive relationship with their bodies.

写真:Robin Grossさん(アメリカ)

Robin Grossさん(アメリカ)

Robin Gross (USA)
I run for girls to show our strength and confidence. It is so empowering being a strong, independent woman and I hope to inspire others to feel that way about themselves too. As a middle school educator, I strive to help my students feel good about themselves and to feel confident in their individuality and their ability to act as agents of change. I have been a lifelong run, but this will be my first ever marathon. We are capable of doing such incredible things and it’s so important to feel proud of ourselves and celebrate who we are.

  • ※アボット・ワールドマラソンメジャーズ(Abbott WMM):東京、ボストン、ロンドン、ベルリン、シカゴ、ニューヨークで開催される世界で最も高名で大規模な6つの大会。すべてを完走したランナーにはSix Star Finishersとして6つの星を冠したメダルが授与される。
  • ※プラン・インターナショナルは東京マラソン2024チャリティの寄付先団体です。

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