

東京マラソン2023にむけて~チャリティランナーたちの思い No.2~





  • ※一定額以上の寄付を対象の寄付先団体に行い、東京マラソンに出走することで、チャリティ活動の素晴らしさを発信するランナー


チャリティランナーの声~Messages From Our Charity Runners~

写真:Diana Saadさん(コロンビア)

Diana Saadさん(コロンビア)

  • ※アボット・ワールドマラソンメジャーズ(Abbott WMM):東京、ボストン、ロンドン、ベルリン、シカゴ、ニューヨークで開催される世界で最も高名で大規模な6つの大会。すべてを完走したランナーにはSix Star Finishersとして6つの星を冠したメダルが授与される。

Diana Saad (Colombia)
I am a Colombian woman of Arab origin born within a very traditional and humble migrant family. I had the fortune to have parents, teachers, coaches, and bosses that believe in me and allow me to pursue my happiness. Nonetheless, I have seen what many other women in my community very close to my heart have had to deal with the opportunities that were taken from them at a very early age.
In Tokyo Marathon I will finish the six and last of all the World Marathon Majors. I will be the seventh Colombian to have finished this amazing goal, and also if I can finish under 3:12 (my goal), I am going to be the fastest Colombian Six Star World Marathon Majors Finisher.
I was able to do all this thanks to people that supported me despite my race, religion, ethnics, gender, and economic situation. Therefore, running for Plan International Japan, the best and last Marathon Major, means so much for me, because thanks to your efforts, many other girls like me will be free to pursue their happiness.
I want to inspire others to achieve their goals and to help others. Sharing my goal, my history and my funds will be amazing.

写真:Ian Dyckさん (カナダ)

Ian Dyckさん(カナダ)

Ian Dyck (Canada)
The reason I selected Plan International as my charity for the Tokyo Marathon is that your purpose aligns strongly with my values. I believe in a world of peace and prosperity for all, and this of course includes women and girls. I work in engineering in Canada and Canadian universities graduate less than 50% women. Certainly, this inequity is not be as impactful to women as forced marriage, I strongly support women in my role as a leader in our business in hopes that it encourages girls to select careers in engineering and balance this inequity.
Running has been a passion of mine for over twenty years. I have been running marathons for over a decade now, and after running Boston I decided to target all of the World Major Marathons. Tokyo will be my fourth. In addition to raising awareness for Plan International, I hope the conditions allow me to run my best marathon yet! My coach Melissa Paauwe at the #weruntheworldcoaching will have me well prepared for the race I am sure…

写真:Carolyn Robertsさん(アメリカ)

Carolyn Robertsさん(アメリカ)
私はワシントンでちょうど100回目のマラソンを走ったばかりです。写真の女の子はカイリー。彼女は走ることができませんが、これが彼女のランニングチェアです。私は自分の100回目のマラソン出走を記念して彼女の背中を押すことにし、Ainsley’s Angelsという団体のために寄付を集めました。私は女の子や女性がよりよい人生を送れるよう支援するプランのような団体をサポートしたいと思っています。誰かのために走るとき、自分がこの世界を変えていけるような気がして元気になれるのです。

Carolyn Roberts (USA)
I had just run my 100th Marathon in Washington, D.C. The girl in the picture is named Kylie. That is her running chair as she is unable to run. To celebrate my 100th marathon, I decided to push her. I raised money for an organization called Ainsley’s Angels. I like to support organizations, such as Plan International, that helps girls and women to have a better life. When I run for others, I feel better about myself because I feel like I’m making a difference in this world!

写真:An Yuanyuanさん(カナダ)

An Yuanyuanさん(カナダ)

An Yuanyuan (Canada)
I am a female runner, a mother, a wife and a daughter. I started running in 2020, at age of 51, and got qualified for Boston Marathon at the age of 53. Through running marathon, I want telling all girls that never give up on yourself, every effort would be paid off. It’s never too late to start something new in your life.

写真:Kirsty Prowseさん(イギリス)

Kirsty Prowseさん(イギリス)
私は世界中の女性の平等について強い信念をもっているので、プランのRun for Girlsを選びました。私は英国の女性消防士ですが、それが認められる社会で生活し働けているのは、恵まれていると感じます。すべての女性が教育を受けるために必要な手段をもち、幼い頃に決められた道を強要されることなく、生きたい人生を自由に選択できることがとても重要だと思います。私はプランのために東京マラソンを走ることをとても楽しみにしていますし、これは私にとって6回目のWMM、完走できたらメジャーズのメダルを獲得します!

Kirsty Prowse (UK)
I chose to run for Plan International Run for Girls because I’m a strong believer in equality for women all around the world. I am a female firefighter in the UK and feel very privileged to be able to live and work in a society where this is accepted. I think it is so important for all women to have the resources required to gain an education and be free to choose the life they wish to live and not be forced into a chosen path from a young age. I am excited to run the Tokyo marathon for Plan International and as it will be my 6th world marathon major, I will be picking up my World Marathon majors medal upon completion.

写真:Nevena Joksimovicさん(セルビア)

Nevena Joksimovićさん(セルビア)
プランに広報協力できることは喜ばしく名誉なことです。今から#run4girlsで積極的にSNS投稿しますよ。あと1カ月足らずで東京マラソンのための集中トレーニングに入りますが、ベストを尽くすと約束します。女の子のために走ることは私の心に大きな励みとやる気を与えてくれるから。RUN4GIRLSのメッセージが入ったビブをつけてゴールする瞬間が目に浮かびます♥ 。世界中のすべての女の子に愛を届けたい。そして、彼女たちが夢を追いかけ、自立した自由な個人として人生の選択をし、愛し、愛されるよう励ましたいと思います。女の子はいつも自分が望む人であり、望むものであるべきだから!

Nevena Joksimović (Serbia)
It will be my pleasure and honor to cooperate with your PR, and will I post from now on with #run4girls. In less than a month, I will enter intense preparation period for the Tokyo marathon, and promise to give my best there, because running for girls extremely inspiring and motivating for me. I can visualize the moment of crossing the finish line with RUN4GIRLS message on my bib number ♥ I wish to send my love to all girls in the world, and to encourage them to follow their dreams, to make their own choices in life as independent and free individuals, to love and to be loved. Because a girl should always be who and what she wants!

写真:John Titmusさん(イギリス)

John Titmusさん(イギリス)
こんにちは。プランを支援できることをとても嬉しく思っています。子どもたちが貧困から解放されて生きていけるように支援することはとても大切です。世界各地で紛争が起こり、人々は見捨てられがちな中、特に女の子や女性は非常に苛酷な生活を送っています。東京マラソン2023を走ってプランの #run4girlsに寄付することで、子どもたちの抱える困難や苦悩に対する理解を広げたいと思います。

John Titmus (UK)
Hello. I am very excited to be able to support Plan International Japan. It is so important to try to help children live free from poverty. With conflicts around the world, it is easy for people to get left behind, especially young girls and women living extremely tough lives. By running Tokyo Marathon 2023 I want to try to raise awareness of their challenges and struggles by supporting them through running Tokyo Marathon 2023 and helping Plan International Japan raise funds #run4girls.

  • ※次回「東京マラソン2023にむけて~チャリティランナーたちの思い No.3~」を、1月30日に掲載予定です
  • ※プラン・インターナショナルは東京マラソン2023チャリティの寄付先団体です

プラン・インターナショナルはRun with Heartの寄付先団体です。



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