

東京マラソン2023にむけて~チャリティランナーたちの思い No.4~





  • ※一定額以上の寄付を対象の寄付先団体に行い、東京マラソンに出走することで、チャリティ活動の素晴らしさを発信するランナー






A Message from Akemi Masuda(Sports Journalist, Former Olympian, and Trustee of Plan International Japan)
The Tokyo Marathon is now two weeks away. Those of you who have been training hard must be looking forward to it and can’t wait. Those who have not been able to practice much may be a little anxious. But take it easy, take it easy. Please think of it as an adventure and run while enjoying the glorious views of Tokyo as spring approaches!
Here’s a little advice on preparation: During this time of year, when temperatures fluctuate widely, it is a good idea to prepare a plastic poncho to protect yourself from the rain and cold. This is especially helpful if you are likely to walk from the halfway point. (Please do not throw them away along the roadside.)
Many of the world’s leading athletes will be running again this year. If you want to see those star runners as they come the other way, pace yourself at within 8 minutes/km until the 10k point. Also, there will be cheering groups of Plan International supporters wearing pink T-shirts at three locations, and I hope their voices of encouragement will give you lots of energy to aim for the finish line.
So, whether you’re running your first marathon or have been waiting for this day for three years, please enjoy this journey!

チャリティランナーの声~Messages From Our Charity Runners~

写真:Pinky & Vijay Patel(アメリカ)

Pinky & Vijay Patelさん(アメリカ)

インド系の私は、このチャリティがいかに重要であるかを知っています。Run for girls!! 間違いなくそうします。私は若い頃インドで、女の子の早すぎる結婚を見てきました。女の子には選択肢がなく、「ノー」と言えませんでした。私には娘がいますが、娘の結婚相手について心配することなく、娘を育てたいと思っています。結婚式のために貯金するのではなくて、教育にしっかり投資します。大事なのは結婚のための準備ではなく、娘自身のための準備をすることです。私は彼女に自分を愛することと自信を持つことを教え、必要であれば誰かに立ちむかうことを教えます。この世界のすべての女の子たちにそうあってほしい。その思いを胸に走ります。

Pinky & Vijay Patel(USA)
Both my husband Vijay and I applied for this charity as it is a cause close to our hearts. As a woman of Indian origin, I definitely want to support girls. I have seen girls are not getting many opportunities in their lives. I have seen one of my friends, who was a victim of forced marriage to a widower when she was in high school. I couldn’t help her at that time, but I can at least financially support to this charity where they are working to educate girls and prevent early forced marriage and pregnancy. I want all girls to be strong and educated so they can live their lives the way they want to, not the way someone else wishes.

As an Indian origin, I know how important this charity is. Run for girls!! Definitely, I can run for a life for girls. I have seen early marriage of girls when I was young in India, Girls never had a choice, and they couldn’t say NO. I have a daughter and I would make my daughter so capable that I don’t have to worry about who will marry her. Instead of saving money for her wedding day, I would spend it well on her education and most importantly, instead of preparing her for her marriage, I would prepare her for herself. I would teach her self-love, self-confidence and that she can throat punch someone if necessary. I would like to do the same for every girl in this entire world. That’s why I love to run with this charity.

写真:Karin Muller de Witさん(オランダ)

Karin Muller de Witさん(オランダ)
夫は、私が女の子のために走っていることをとても誇らしく思っているはずです。 どんな女の子も結婚を強制されてはなりません。すべての女の子には権利があり、何より自立した女性に成長するために教育を受ける権利があります。人形で遊んでいるような年齢の女の子たちが、学校に行くことを否定され母になることを強要される世界は、根本的に間違っています。

Karin Muller de Wit(Netherlands)
Dear all, It’s an honor to run the Tokyo Marathon for Plan International Japan.
I wanted to run all 6 majors before my 60th birthday. With two majors to go, Covid happened. My husband died of Covid, and I lost all spirit for running. Out of the blue, I got in for London, my fifth major, but my heart was not into it. I lost my footing so to speak. It was my training for London, getting out of bed early in the morning, eating right and connecting with other runners that helped me through the months and the loss. It also helped me getting stronger and staying healthy and connected. The running community is full of amazing people.
Tokyo will be a victory for me, it will be about remembering our 36 years of marriage, his support and love and when I cross that finish line, I will remember him, knowing he would be proud of me for finishing, for staying healthy and taking care of myself and doing the thing that brings me joy: running.
He would be so proud I run for Girls. No girl should ever be forced into marriage. Every girl has the right to be a child and more importantly to an education so she can grow up to be a independent woman. There is something fundamentally wrong with a world where girls, who should be playing with dolls are denied a school and are forced into motherhood.

写真:Brooke Rodgerさん(オーストラリア)

Brooke Rodgerさん(オーストラリア)

Brooke Rodger(Australia)
I will be travelling from Melbourne, Australia and the Tokyo Marathon will be my 6th and final star in the Abbott World Marathon Majors. I feel very fortunate to be able to run the 2023 Tokyo Marathon on behalf of Plan International.
I chose Plan International as I am passionate about supporting girls and women around the world to have exactly the same opportunities as their male counterparts, whether that be education, safety, health and wellbeing, or the basic right to sovereignty over their own body. After reading about the work Plan International does to promote gender equality, I was motivated to show my support – especially given I am privileged to be born into a country where my rights to an education are unquestioned. So, I feel proud to be able to run the marathon on behalf of this very worthy cause.

写真:An Finn Poulsenさん(デンマーク)

Finn Poulsenさん(デンマーク)

Finn Poulsen(Denmark)
It is with the greatest pleasure I run the Tokyo 2023 Marathon for Run4girls. I love running, and everywhere I go with my wife, we bring our jersey and running shoes. I hope that my support to your organization will give hope to the many girls around the world, who have little opportunity to get a proper education. I am the happy grandfather of 6 children, and I would love to see that children all over the world get the same opportunities as my grandchildren.

写真:Francesca McAuliffeさん(アメリカ)

Francesca McAuliffeさん(アメリカ)
プランのために東京マラソン2023を走ることを光栄に思うとともに、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。教育は可能性の扉を開きます。すべての女の子が質の高い教育を受けられるようになることを願い、すぐにプランを支援先団体として選びました 。教育者として、チームの一員として、東京で自己ベストを達成すべく準備に励みます。東京は私にとって4つ目のWMMとなります。また、2023年4月には、メトロウエストYMCAという団体のために5回目のボストンマラソン完走を果たすべくトレーニングをしています。私は、1人の1型糖尿病をもつアスリートとして、教師、そして副校長として、学びたいという夢やマラソンを走りたいという夢を持っている女の子たちを応援したいと思っています。Run for girls!

Francesca McAuliffe(USA)
I am honored and appreciative to have been selected to run the 2023 Tokyo Marathon for Plan International. Ensuring that each and every girl has access to quality instruction, as learning opens all the doors of possibility, made selecting this charity easy. As a career educator I strive to make my team proud and prepare to reach a marathon personal best in Tokyo. Tokyo will be my 4th WMM. I am also training to complete my 5th in Boston in April of 2023 for the Metro West YMCA. As a Type One Diabetic athlete, teacher, and assistant principal, I hope to inspire other girls to pursue both their educational and marathon running dreams. Run for girls!

写真:Joanna Patterson さん(アメリカ)

Joanna Patterson さん(アメリカ)

Joanna Patterson(USA)
I’ve chosen to support Plan International Japan because I believe that supporting and providing opportunities for girls and women is in the best interest of everyone, regardless of gender. I’ve benefited immensely from access to education, and believe that education is a right that no one should be denied. I’m so excited to run the Tokyo Marathon to support this wonderful organization!

写真:Milton Lerma さん(メキシコ)

Milton Lerma さん(メキシコ)

Milton Lerma (Mexico)
Being able to run for Plan International Japan is a great honor for me, as I want to help girls not be forced to marry against their will, have access to better education and better opportunities in life. Unfortunately, these problems still exist today in my country, Mexico. But above all, I especially feel a great commitment to be able to help in this great effort, since I identify very much with Plain International because my family is made up of 3 women (my wife and my 2 daughters) and I want a better world for them, so I’ll do everything I can to get it! And of course, I will also try to spread the great work of Plan International Japan with #run4girls on my social networks as much as possible. Thank you for this opportunity!

写真:Sunil Chainaniさん (インド)

Sunil Chainaniさん (インド)
インドでは、残念ながら女の子が男の子と同等に扱われないことが多く、それが労働人口に占める女性の割合の低さなど、いくつかの問題につながっています。私が東京マラソンでプランの活動を支援して走るのは、このような状況を改善する必要があると思ったからです。 女の子が適切な教育を受けられることは複数の社会問題の解決につながります。この問題に特に取り組んでいる地域は、広大なインドのなかでも発展著しい地域の一つになっています。

Sunil Chainani (India)
In India, unfortunately, the girl child is often not treated on par with the boy child, and this leads to several problems, including a low percentage of women in the country’s workforce. This needs to be corrected, and this is the reason why I will be running to support the good work of Plan International at the Tokyo Marathon. Giving girls a proper education will help solve several problems in society – parts of India that have focused on this issue are some of the most progressive regions in our vast country.
I have been running for almost 20 years and the Tokyo Marathon will help me complete the 6 majors challenge. I am very excited as it will help me complete my current ‘bucket list’ of marathons which includes the 6 majors, Comrades Ultra Marathon, Medoc Wine Marathon, and the Everest Base Camp Marathon. I look forward to meeting runners from across the world at this great race.

写真:Nydia Bouさん(アメリカ)

Nydia Bouさん(アメリカ)

Nydia Bou(USA)
I might not be able to change the world, but if I can change one girl’s life through running, I will definitely will. 26.2 is a number for me; for some girls this is the number that will change their life forever. I’m running that number for them.

  • ※WMM: アボット・ワールドマラソンメジャーズ(Abbott WMM):東京、ボストン、ロンドン、ベルリン、シカゴ、ニューヨークで開催される世界で最も高名で大規模な6つの大会。すべてを完走したランナーにはSix Star Finishersとして6つの星を冠したメダルが授与される。
  • ※プラン・インターナショナルは東京マラソン2023チャリティの寄付先団体です

東京マラソン財団チャリティRUN with HEART 公式ウェブサイト https://www.runwithheart.jp/



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