

東京マラソン2023にむけて~チャリティランナーたちの思い No.3~





  • ※一定額以上の寄付を対象の寄付先団体に行い、東京マラソンに出走することで、チャリティ活動の素晴らしさを発信するランナー


チャリティランナーの声~Messages From Our Charity Runners~

写真:Annette Ahoさん(アメリカ)

Annette Ahoさん(アメリカ)
「質の高い教育には、一世代で社会を変える力があり、子どもたちに知識と自信を与え、その可能性を最大限に引き出すことができる」 オードリー・ヘプバーンのこの言葉は、普遍的な真理です。私は、女の子の権利が必ずしも守られていない国に生まれましたが、家族が抱いた夢のおかげで、米国で教育を受けることができました。移民の一人として、私が与えられた機会がすべての人にとっての「現実」ではないことを知っています。ランナーとして行動することで、世界中の女の子の人生に好ましい影響を与えることができることも知っています。

  • ※アボット・ワールドマラソンメジャーズ(Abbott WMM):東京、ボストン、ロンドン、ベルリン、シカゴ、ニューヨークで開催される世界で最も高名で大規模な6つの大会。すべてを完走したランナーにはSix Star Finishersとして6つの星を冠したメダルが授与される。

Annette Aho (USA)
I am a 30-year-old female runner, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. I am so excited to be competing in the Tokyo Marathon 2023 as a charity runner with Plan International, supporting a great cause, and working towards one of my personal goals.
In 2016, I began my marathon journey with the Boston Marathon in the United States. Since then, I started working on completing all six Abbott World Marathon Majors. I am so excited to share that Tokyo will be my 6th star. Completing this challenge and, having the opportunity to fundraise for charities has been an honor.
A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation & provide children with the knowledge and confidence to reach their full potentialーthis quote by Audrey Hepburn is true today. I was born in a country where the rights of girls are not always protected. Thanks to the dreams of my family, I was educated in the USA. As an immigrant, I know the opportunities I was provided, are not a reality for all. As a runner, I know that through action, impacts can be made in the lives of girls everywhere.
I have chosen Plan International as my charity because I believe that girls everywhere deserve opportunities to pursue education. It is only through education and hard work that I am where I am today. I hope that my contributions would make learning a possibility for a girl who has big dreams, like me.

写真:Vanessa Kouryさん(アメリカ)

Vanessa Kouryさん(アメリカ)
私はプランのRun for Girls!の一員として東京マラソン2023に参加できることを光栄に思います。プランは、抑圧され、弱い立場に置かれている女の子や若い女性の生活に有意義でポジティブな影響を与える活動を世界的に行っています。私たちが彼女たちのためにできることはたくさんありますが、彼女たちに希望と機会を届けるために寄付を行うことは最も効果的な方法です。また、私たちが彼女たちをどんなときでも支えていると知ってもらうことも大切です。
大人になってからモロッコを訪れ、抑圧されている女性たちに出会い、その話を聞いて胸が締めつけられる思いをしました。その後、女性のエンパワーメントを提唱し、国連の持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)に沿った活動を行うUN Womenのニューヨーク/米国支部でボランティアをしています。

Vanessa Koury(USA)
I am honored to represent Plan International Japan – Run for Girls! at the 2023 Tokyo Marathon. This charitable organization is doing work globally that has a meaningful, positive impact on the lives of oppressed and underprivileged girls and young women. There are many ways we can show up for these girls, but contributing to resources that can give them hope and opportunity is the most important way, as well as letting them know we support them every step of the way.
I was raised in a low-income home. I struggled through my youth, I was fortunate to have schooling and supportive organizations to help me grow and envision a better future. I developed a good career and independence and the ability to make good choices of my own – a key life-changer. I know how poverty limits you and can push you into poor choices and a downward cycle.
As an adult, I traveled to Morocco and met women who were trapped by oppression and was heartbroken to learn their stories. I later volunteered for the NY/US Chapter for UN Women which advocates for female empowerment and aligns with UN SDGs.

写真:Mohamed Oueslatiさん(フランス)

Mohamed Oueslatiさん(フランス)
私はWMMの6つ目のスターを目指しています。東京は私にとって最後の大きな挑戦となります… ですから、私のポジティブなエネルギーをすべて日本に持っていきますよ。東京、もうすぐ会いましょう!

Mohamed Oueslati(France)
During 10 years of running, I have always been sensitive to different child protection organizations such as UNICEF, the United Nations organization and Princesse Margot association to support children who are affected by cancer and their families. In an uncertain world with the pandemic, wars/conflicts and climate change, children are the most vulnerable of those crises and especially girls. I have naturally chosen to represent Plan International Japan and it is an honor to support this cause for the upcoming Tokyo Marathon.
I am chasing the 6 star of the Abbott World Marathon Majors and Tokyo will be my last big challenge…so I’ll bring all my positive energy to Japan. Tokyo, see you soon!!

写真:Andrew Dolinskyさん(アメリカ)

Andrew Dolinskyさん(アメリカ)

Andrew Dolinsky (USA)
I am a charity runner for Plan International Japan at the 2023 Tokyo Marathon. I am looking forward to running for this great cause because I believe women and children should have access to education, resources, and independence. Many women have helped me succeed in life, and I owe a lot of my success to the support I have received from them. I am excited to support #run4girls at my first marathon in March.

写真:Hillary R. Dolinsky さん(アメリカ)

Hillary R. Dolinsky さん(アメリカ)

Hillary R. Dolinsky(USA)
I am excited to be a charity runner with Plan International Japan for the 2023 Tokyo Marathon! I deeply care about the empowerment of women and children, working as a medical social worker with youth and families in the United States. Young girls have so much potential, and the world would be a better place if we made room for all girls to dream freely and reach their goals. I can’t wait to #run4girls in March!

写真:Jamie Stockton さん(イギリス)

Jamie Stockton さん(イギリス)

Jamie Stockton(UK)
My passions in life are running and Taekwondo. My work in Taekwondo involves working with children, some of whom have special needs. They require encouragement to build their confidence and achieve something they never thought they could do. I love running and choosing to do a run for Plan International fits perfectly with my values. I’m very much looking forward to running in Tokyo and hopefully achieve a PB, I have never been to Japan so this will be a special experience for me.

写真:Luis Fernandesさん(カナダ)

Luis Fernandesさん(カナダ)

Luis Fernandes(CANADA)
I ran my first marathon in 2011 as a way to show my kids that if you work hard and train anything is possible. Tokyo will be my 25th marathon, and will also be my final 6 star world major. Running is now part of my life and I continue to challenge myself and enjoy the experiences I have had with running. I am looking forward to running Tokyo and experiencing the city of Tokyo and proud to support Run4girls. As a father I want to support all kids to make their dreams come true.

写真:Nádia Parachinさん(ブラジル)

Nádia Parachinさん(ブラジル)

Nádia Parachin(Brazil)
I cannot express how excited I am to be running Tokyo with supporting such a great cause. I chose run4girls because this cause speaks closely to my heart. As a woman born in Brazil, I can relate to the challenges of thriving in a man’s world. Supporting young ladies in getting more education/information will certainly motivate me to run faster and happier in Tokyo. Tokyo will be a special milestone for me. It is my 6th Start completing the 6th world major marathons! I’ve been to Tokyo before for work and cannot wait to run the city and enjoy the energy from the cheers along the way. Looking forward to meeting you all soon!

  • ※次回「東京マラソン2023にむけて~チャリティランナーたちの思い No.4~」を、2月15日に掲載予定です
  • ※プラン・インターナショナルは東京マラソン2023チャリティの寄付先団体です

プラン・インターナショナルはRun with Heartの寄付先団体です。



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